• casglaid.com

    I have been added to the lovely Welsh Art and Craftperson website www.Casglaid.com where my paintings and giclee prints can be purchased. Take a look if you have a chance.

  • New etsy shop https://www.etsy.com/uk/shop/TaylorParryart

    I have opened an etsy shop to make purchasing my work easier if you can't get to a gallery or my studio.

  • Ground and Unbound Galeri Caernarfon

    Setting up my Exhibition at G aleri Caernarfon.The exhibition looks great as it includes my ideas and images with my paintings, flying wheelchair dreams and the sounds and images of flying.

  • artist of the month interview

    artists blog https://www.artistsinfo.co.uk/an-interview-with-our-artist-catherine-taylor-parry/

  • Artist of the Month

    https://www.artistsinfo.co.uk/artist/catherine-taylor-parry/https://www.artistsinfo.co.uk/artist/catherine-taylor-parry/ I am an artist of the month at the Art info company.co.uk for the month of June.

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